If you are an expierenced flyer you probably recognize this picture.

You are bound for home. Due to some regulations you have to appear two hours early to go through a routine that only takes 5 minutes. Before you had a chance to enter your flight you're bored to dead. Just after boarding you find out that your window seat is just beneath a family that takes at least two-and-half seat. Quick learners take an aisle seat. Be surprised how much people think they can squeeze in without having you to stand-up. I just want to go home, not being molested as an inflight entertainment.

After landing (why do people clap?) you're spit out in an airport hoping for a smooth transfer. Everybody has all the time of the world, we are on holiday remember? Except for me, my connecting flight will leave in 20 minutes and I have to find the gate. Sweat runs down your body as you enter the plane just in time. Now you only have to survive a couple of more hours, survivng new neighbours and inflight meals. You start to feel that the chairs are not comfortable, cramp in several muscles. Landing at your final destination is a blessing.

The survival run after touchdown is for the baggage reclaim hall. Waiting, peering, switching to different conveyer belts, keeping your eyes on luggage that has the same looks as yours. You jump forward across three lines of people, with an agonizing scream "MINE!" you rip your 20kg suitcase of the conveyer, swing it on a trolley, hitting at least one child and leave for the exit. The suitcase doesn't fit well in a overcrowded commuter train and on the platforms you drag your suitcase to the last spree which will bring you home, at last.

Got the picture? Now here is the tip for the part after landing on your final destination. Walk calmly to the baggage reclaim area. Proceed immediately to the lost-baggage desk. Report that your suitcase is missing. The ground-crew will fill-in a form with your address, phonenumber etc. They will appologize to you that your luggage got lost but they assure you that they will do their utmost to hunt down your luggage. You leave the airport and head for home. A day later you're called by a friendly lady who informs you that your suitcase is found and wants to know when it suits you for delivery at your frontdoor. I bet the two men handing over my suitcase would even be so pollite to bring it upstairs. Great service, no hassle, relaxed homecoming.