This day I opted for a moderate walk 4 and a half hours hike in a historic canyon and to a free-leaping watefall. The hike started with a 0.7 miles steep descent. This is always a great moment to realize that at the end of your day of have to walk uphill again.

Down in the canyon I was welcomed by the sign 'Bear Country'. I thought there was already enough danger out there but no, the califonians just added bears. Making a lot of noise should scare them away. Strangly enough the rules of the Angeles Forest prohibit making noise. I wonder if they will ever find out why so many hikers get killed by bears.

The great thing about canyon walks is that they block the sun hence the tempertures are more convenient. On the downside you are always faced with a climb to reach the end and top of the canyon. But thas was for later, first find a real waterfall.

On the way to the fall I encountred my first snake. Tecnically speaking the snake encoutered me and decided to slide away into the fallen leaves, which give him away. He didn't rattle so it wasn't a rattle snake. Near the waterfall I was warned by an fellow hiker that a snake was passing the path. It was a king snake, one of the not poissionous species but neither of us wanted to verify that.

A few miles in the hike the free falling waterfall appeared. The lack of water is also influencing this waterfall but at least for this one its intentions are clear.

From this point onwards the hike went uphill for 3 miles and I can tell you I was quite pleased to find that I reached spruce grove which marked the start of the return leg of my walk. Still a modest climb was needed to 3500 feet near mount Zion. By this time the battery of my camera was empty so no evidence. The last few miles just brought me back to my startpoint where I still had to face the 0.7 miles uphill.

Score for today:
Bears: 0
Mountain Lions:0
Rattle Snakes: 0
Snakes (non possiones): 2
Possiones Oak: yes